JBDS guideline on the glycaemic management during the inpatient enteral feeding of stroke patients with diabetes
Joint British Diabetes Societies, June 2012
JBDS Guidelines on the management of the hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) in adults with diabetes.
Joint British Diabetes Societies, August 2012
The peri-operative management of the adult patient with diabetes.
Issues in Professional Practice, May 2012
Use of haemoglobin A1c to detect impaired fasting glucose or Type 2 diabetes in a United Kingdom community based population.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2012;96(2):211-216
Assessing the relationship between admission glucose levels, subsequent length of hospital stay, readmission and mortality.
Clinical Medicine 2012;12(2):137-139
Diabetes specialist nurse telemedicine: admissions avoidance, costs and casemix.
European Diabetes Nursing 2012;9(1):17-21
Self-management of diabetes in hospital. Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care Group.
NHS Diabetes. 2012
Diabetes UK Position Statements and Care Recommendations. NHS Diabetes guideline for the perioperative management of the adult patient with diabetes.
Diabetic Medicine 2012;29(4):420-433
Diabetes specialist nurse telemedicine: admissions avoidance, costs and casemix.
Practical Diabetes 2012;29(1):25-28
Chronic ingestion of flavan-3-ols and isoflavones improves insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein status and attenuates estimated 10-year CVD risk in medicated postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Care 2012;35(2):226-32